When it comes to cooking fresh Maine lobster, there are many methods to choose from, but the most common are boiling and steaming. No matter which method you choose, though, there will likely be one question at the front of your mind: how long do I have to cook the lobster for? The answer depends on the method. Here at Cape Porpoise Lobster, we’ve detailed everything you need to know about how long you should cook your lobster.
Boiling Lobster
Make sure that you have a pot large enough to hold 3 quarts of water for each lobster that you intend to boil. Ideally, you’ll want to use fresh sea water, in order to preserve the ocean taste in your lobster, but you can also use filtered water and add sea salt until it tastes salty enough. Throw your lobsters in the pot and cook for about 8 minutes per pound.
Steaming Lobster
When steaming live Maine lobster, you only fill the pot up to about a half inch with sea or salty water. You then place a rack or 8-10 inches of rockweed on top of the water, cover and bring it to a boil. Add lobsters to the steaming pot (with tongs to avoid burning) and cover. This process takes a bit longer, about 10 minutes per pound, but it makes for meat that just slips off the lobster!
For more information on how to cook lobster, look through our blog or contact us today!